XF 2.2 How to remove additional icon space?

I'm new to Xenforo and trying to find my way around a few bits and pieces.

I can create a Category and use a FONT AWESOME Icon in a small circle to the left

However, if I create a Forum and add an Icon from the same source it too appears in a small circle to the left, but has an additional empty circle below. How do I remove it?

When I say source code, I just mean the CSS you used to add the icons, or a link to your site where we can inspect the code.
This is all a learning curve to me but if you mean the icon code - fas fa-boxing-glove - I put this in via Node Layout and Styling - scroll down to Node Icons tab tick the box for Category Icon class and paste it in there. I use the same icon and same process but tick the Forum Icon class, which displays the icon and the blank second circle.

If I don't tick the Forum Icon Class box and leave everything blank, the two circles still appear but the lower one now has a pair of speech bubbles icon within?
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