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Code #1
I am really picky on my mobile view and with the placement of ads I sometimes get an extra line break I don't see on desktop.
So I wrap the br in a div and name it remove_br_mobile
With the css code above I can remove all the designated line breaks I want with one piece of css assuming the line break is wrapped in the div.
However..... there is always a however...
I have not figured out how to add this to the code below to the above to make it work
Code #2
So ideally I want to combine both bits of code but I've tried every combination with no success
Any ideas?
/* Remove Line Breaks on Mobile */
@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveMedium)
{div.remove_br_mobile {display: none !important;}}
I am really picky on my mobile view and with the placement of ads I sometimes get an extra line break I don't see on desktop.
So I wrap the br in a div and name it remove_br_mobile
With the css code above I can remove all the designated line breaks I want with one piece of css assuming the line break is wrapped in the div.
However..... there is always a however...
I have not figured out how to add this to the code below to the above to make it work
Code #2
So ideally I want to combine both bits of code but I've tried every combination with no success
Any ideas?