XF 2.1 How to pass file input into _postSave?


Active member
I have an input field called 'upload':

<xf:upload name="upload" accept=".mp3" label="Upload" />

I'm accessing it in my controller like this:

$upload_file = $this->request->getFile('upload', false, false);

In my saveProcess method:

$form = $this->formAction();
$form->basicEntitySave($store, $input);

I want to be able to move the uploaded file in the _postSave method so I'm trying this:

protected function _postSave() {

$dataDir = ('data://upload_test/'.$this->store_id.'.mp3');

\XF\Util\File::copyFileToAbstractedPath($upload_file, $dataDir);

but how can I pass it $upload_file?
IMHO there is no clean way to do this in the entity.

I'd probably move this to a service and pass the upload, seems XenForo developers probably would do the same:
Take a look at XF\Pub\Controller\Account to better understand how XenForo implemented profile banners.
IMHO there is no clean way to do this in the entity.

I'd probably move this to a service and pass the upload, seems XenForo developers probably would do the same:
Take a look at XF\Pub\Controller\Account to better understand how XenForo implemented profile banners.
I figured that since the file input requires a request->getFile instead of just a standard text input.
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