How to obtain the best level of support in this forum

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Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
When posting in this forum for support with a specific styling element or customisation, in order to obtain the best possible support, please bear in mind these points.
  • Be as clear as possible about what it is you are trying to do
  • Include screenshots if possible, highlighting or describing the relevant section
  • In most cases it will be necessary to provide a link to your site so the code can be inspected
Without adhering to the above guidelines, it's possible that your request will be ignored as it is very difficult to offer support and advice, especially if no link is provided as this is more often than not required.

If your issue pertains to a third party style or add-on, post in the relevant add-on discussion thread instead as custom styles and add-ons often have unique elements which require specific knowledge.
If you find your questions are going unanswered, it is more than likely due to the fact that you have not included a link to your site.

When dealing with modified styles and templates, it is impossible for those who are able to help to check the code or propose solutions from a screenshot alone, or, even worse, just a description.
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