XF 2.2 What's the best way to manage two user groups in a forum? (Multiple solutions: which one is the best? )


Active member
Hi Guys!

I want to create a forum with two subgroups ( let's say group1 is "clients" and group2 is "partners").
I want them to have the same privivileges but group2 be able to access a different forum on different page.

What's the best way to do it?
I read about it so I have a lot of different solutions in my mind but I want to ask for your help:

1) Creat 2 forums under same domain but in different folders so
a) let's say mysite.com/group1/ and mysite.com/group2/

b) mysite.com/ (main forum) and mysite.com/group2/

2) Only one forum but creat a hidden forum within and I somehow put it on a different page with widget(?) - if that's possible???
So basically I create new group forum but with restrictions to specific user groups and I somehow hide this forum form the main page and put it on a different tab (if that possible) as a widge? or with some other miracle. - in this case I dont need the ad-on.

Also is it possible to set that different user groups lend on different site after login?
So Group1 will lend on ..../forum.example1 and Group2 will get redirected to the mentioned widget site?

I know that the first soultion I need that "Multisite System 2" ad-on.

( what if I when I install the new Xenforo I use the same SQL infos to install it? )

Thanks for the help?

What if i do that?
What's the best solution to do this?

Anything involving multiple installations will require multiple XF licenses.

I would just have multiple user groups with permissions set to allow access to specific forums for each group.

And what's the best way to do it?
From my post - 1) a or 1) b
Or is there any specific solution You would have?

Also my question still stands: Can I put the "restricted" forum on a different page? (it would be convenient for "group2" if they dont need to scroll to the bottom every time they want to get to the restricted forum).

And somehow can I install and manage two different chats for the groups?

Thank you very much! :)

Also: do I need 2 license if one Xenforo is in mypage.com/ and the other is at mypage.com/group2 ?
Alright I will do it :) Thank you.

For the first part of my answer what's your opinion:

And what's the best way to do it?
From my post - 1) a or 1) b
Or is there any specific solution You would have?

Also my question still stands: Can I put the "restricted" forum on a different page? (it would be convenient for "group2" if they dont need to scroll to the bottom every time they want to get to the restricted forum)."

Also my question still stands: Can I put the "restricted" forum on a different page? (it would be convenient for "group2" if they dont need to scroll to the bottom every time they want to get to the restricted forum).

Why not move the restricted forums to the top of the node list? Group 1 won't know they are there, and Group 2 will have quicker access to those forums.
That's probably a good idea, still... if possible I want to manage them separetly.

All I really need is to put this category on a different page somehow. So when he/she click on the link ( navigation) the allowed user get to a clean category (and forums) that has his specific topics.

If i do as you suggested the rest will still be at the bottom.

So let's say

The main forum is about "gaming". So it has a lot of topic about games. But I want a different (premium") user base who has access to "PC build" category.

If he click on the navigation link "PC build" he get to a category that only shows him the forums inside "PC build".
Is it managable ?

(BTW I used games and PC just as an example.)
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