How to install a theme?

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Well how do I install one? Searched high and low here and could not find anything it maybe here I just cannot find it. Any help appreciated thanks.
The software....unless some one here is willing to install the theme for free because I am not spending another cent on this.

Why do not you try to learn installing styles at your test forum following the instructions provided above rather than waiting for others to install it for you. As Brogan said, it can''t be explained simpler than that.

P.s. You shouldn''t get all irritated for something that you yourself can''t follow. It should be the other way around btw ;)
I do know that but in order to get respect you have to give it as well....and just because some of the folks here are experts in Xenforo does not give them the right to talk to me anyway they like. But I will take what you said under advisement.
John thanks its installed. borbole mind your own business how about that.

I will respond to rudeness with rudness as well as I have enough of your arrogance. How about if you are dumb/stupid enough to not understand the simple process of importing a skin then maybe you shouldn''t be in the business of running a forum.

Instead of being grateful for the help he gets he develops an attitude.

Can you believe this guy?
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