How to insert sidebar inline with first post or first thread


Well-known member
I'd like to insert a sidebar for extra content on the thread_view, forum_view, find_new_threads, member_view and a few other places.

I don't want the sidebar to take up the entire right side of the screen though, just everything from the first thread down if it's a forum view listing threads, or from the first post down if it's the thread view with messages.

Kind of like this where the site sponsors are. I've tried a few things, but can't seem to get it right.


Okay, I think I've figured most of it out. Although it screws up my new post indicator.

new indicator1.webp

You can see the new post indicator has been moved inside the post on this style, I'm wondering if that's because of the issue I've encountered

new indicator.webp

I'll document what I've done so far tomorrow when I'm more awake
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