How to: DISABLE multi user registration (limit 1 account per user)


Well-known member
I have searched high and low for this. I can't seem to find a way to prevent my users from making more than one account at a time. I appreciate your help.:unsure:
All user accounts require a unique email address.

Can you clarify what you mean by "prevent my users from making more than one account at a time"?

If you mean the same person is registering more than once using different email addresses and/or IP addresses, then there's very little that can be done as the software sees them as different users.
1 account per IP address, to be more specific. If they use a proxy to register a new account, then they win, but most my users don't know what a proxy is.
1 account per IP address, to be more specific. If they use a proxy to register a new account, then they win, but most my users don't know what a proxy is.

Do you mean something like this mod I have coded for vb?

If you would like to block users from using proxies to register at your forum, have a look at my mod.
I had changed the forum folder and forgot to update the link here. Thank you for the reminder :)
Installed and did a quick test.
Hidemyass did not allow log in with the message
Cookies are required to log in to this site. You will not be able to login until they are accepted. has no problem. :(

Any plan to make this more useful? like send Admin an alert when someone is detected of using proxy?

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