You don't need to delete content to comply with a GDPR request so you could have kept the posts.
You just need to remove any personal identifiable information - such as a name, email address, etc.
Deleting and renaming the member should suffice in most cases.
If there are posts with their personal data in then ask them to identify them and deal with them as required.
EU and their GDPR laws have become a burden for us who live in the EU. Brogan, what if a user, for example, has a username Stupid, hello or warrior, is it also something that counts as personal information?
EU and their GDPR laws have become a burden for us who live in the EU. Brogan, what if a user, for example, has a username Stupid, hello or warrior, is it also something that counts as personal information?
It could be seen that way if the individual uses the same member name on more than one forum or website. Best to delete and rename as Brogan indicates.