XF 1.4 How to Create Page to Download File on Server


Active member
I want to host a large file that I cannot attach per my host's requirements and they recommended hosting it on the server with a link on my site.

Anyone know how to do this? Can I set permissions on the page/file?


You could just upload the file and then post the link in a thread or page node.

If you protect the directory with .htaccess authorisation and set user group permissions on the thread/page, that would more or less achieve the same thing as attaching a file.
Ok so if I created a new folder in the root called "Downloads" and the file is a zip file, what do I put in place of "admin.php"?

<Files admin.php>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "ACP"
AuthUserFile "path/to/passwd/file"
Require valid-user
Yea, I'm trying to just make the folder require a user to be logged with at least "Registered" status.

This seems to password protect the file/directory. Any way to accomplish this?
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