XF 1.2 How to create an index of threads by authors


Well-known member
On my forum we have a bunch of writers. They'd love for me to create an index of writers (maybe a xenforo page) or a link under their names in postbit that allows readers, with one click, to pull up a list of the threads that they started that have been moved onto such boards as editors' picks. In other words, I need a search query that pulls threads by author/user and by board(s). How do I create such a query that I can attach to a name or a link?

I tried just copying the URL that resulted from an advanced search that accomplished what I'm after, but apparently that URL doesn't work for users other than me. So I guess I need some kind of variable. Not sure how to do that.

Can anyone help?

You could do this using the various fields available such as users and nodes.

For example, a hard coded URL to search for threads started by me would be: http://xenforo.com/community/search/search?users=brogan&user_content=thread

For threads started by me in the Suggestions forum it would be: http://xenforo.com/community/search/search?users=brogan&user_content=thread&nodes[]=18

That's not for me, what am I doing wrong?
if I do so, he says he can not find the file search.
if I index.php?search/search on call, does it only when I go for a user search when I search for topics in any forum that does not

I need help
No luck with that one. I also tried "$prefix[]=10" , "&prefix_id[]=10" and a couple of other things, but I'm not having joy at the moment. I'm sure it must possible though
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