How to change the content of XF error pages?


Well-known member
XFs default error pages are minimal and don't direct you anywhere or link back to the home page, or even redirect after 10 seconds or so - so I wondered if they can be modified, and if so, where would I do this?

Shaun :D
Only templates and phrases which are changed between releases and which you've edited need to be reverted and edited once more.

Okay, so providing the requested_page_not_found phrase isn't altered during an XF update, the change I make will stick between updates.

Good to know.

Shaun :D

PS. It would be nice for XF to come with at least a link back to the home page within the default error notice - at the moment it just plonks you on a minimal page with no obvious links back to the site home page in the body text.
I just use the nav bar links.

You're used to XF - I was thinking about someone brand new to my site, maybe following a broken/old link to it, and landing on what is (currently) a pretty barren error page.

Considering the great focus XF puts on the *user* experience, the error pages just feel a bit lacking.

IMHO of course ... :)

A simple "Return to the [home] page" link would help some people.
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