XF 1.4 How to alter the speed with which notices switch back and forth?

Thanks....on my Forums the notice scrolls to the left - and then to the right!

It goes back an forth like a yo-yo.

It looks weird and is rather disorienting.

Is that the way it's supposed to be?
I can only see one notice on your site so I can't test it, but it consistently slides in from the right for me with the default style (even when wrapping).
Thanks - the second notice is only available to the admins right now - the first notice slides to the right to the show the second notice and then slides back to the left to show the first notice.

Like a pendulum rocking back and forth.

Is that how it's supposed to go?
I think it's a valid method, but it's not what I'm seeing. They perpetually slide in from the right for me.

It's probably worth confirming with add-ons disabled and on the default style. If it's still happening, we may need to be able to see it happening.
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