XF 2.0 How to Align Text After Colons?


Well-known member
Instead of this:

Field1somthing: test words
Field2something else: test words
Field3somethign again: words tested

I want this:

Field1somthing:        test words
Field2something else:  test words
Field3somethign again: words tested

I could be wrong, but I seem to remember that this was once default behavior for XF....
Well, it must have somehow been possible at some point, because I've had this one member who used to do it and suddenly couldn't after some update or change I did and he's been pestering me off and on about it ever since, asking when I'm going to "fix" it. I guess I'll just tell him now that he'll have to wait for 2.1 to use them tables. ;)
Yeah, I didn't see anything that looked like it would do the trick for that. Although I confess I'm not sure exactly what I would be looking for. Anyway, no big deal. I just thought I'd check and see if anyone had an easy solution.
Yeah, I didn't see anything that looked like it would do the trick for that. Although I confess I'm not sure exactly what I would be looking for. Anyway, no big deal. I just thought I'd check and see if anyone had an easy solution.

OK! If you wouldn't find anything let me know.
I will create something with BB-Code's for you.
That would be cool, but I'd hate for you to go to the trouble for something's that's probably a very special use case. I'll see if I can find another ready-made solution. Thank you
Well... parsing some html and adding a crap ton of non-breaking spaces just so will get it done, especially if you always use the same fields and just copy and paste it, but it's an awful janky way to go about it. Gotta be a better way. :ROFLMAO:
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Okay, a slightly better solution:



    <span class="col1">Something here:</span>

    <span>Text after the colon</span>



And then this in extra.less:

.col1 {
width: 150px;
float: left;
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