How can I advertise my forum better? I don't really know the first thing in that department. is my board specifically, but if someone comes along months later it'd help if they could get some tips here too.
I am going to be cold. I am going to be blunt. And you are going to hate me. But I don't want you following in my foot steps and I want you to be successful. I did this mistake with my first forum and I spent two years on it.
Before you devote all your time to that gaming forum, just read this!
Going broad will be very hard. Trust me. There's this old saying...
"If you're marketing to everybody, you're marketing to nobody"
Do yourself a favor and go with a specific niche. Go with gears of war, call of duty, grand theft auto, something small. This way, you can actually market to somebody! You can pick an audience, market to them, and have a higher chance of actually making a popular forum.
Think about this... how many games do you play? Because I only play one mainly so that's all I am interested in and that's the forum I would join. I wouldn't join an all game forum because I want to talk to experts in my specific game and other individuals about that one particular game. I could care less about other games, so I personally would never join your forum.
If you go small, you will have a market, have an audience, and have a chance. Go big and you will most likely fail. Only 1 out of many forums will succeed. You don't have much content, you don't have writers to write for you daily to add fresh content, and you probably don't have thousands of dollars to market. So why go so big? Pick a video game that is popular, that you love learning and writing about, and stick to that.
Go small and pick a niche. Dominate it, and move on. This is what will make you successful.
..... but this is just my opinion obviously. You will have your own, others will have their own, and i am open-minded to everyone's thoughts. I just thought I would give you a little advice from experience, knowledge from reading, and etc.
Best of luck