How to add code before or after a condition (Hook)

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Deleted member 10469

Hello, how to add code before or after a condition or some text without editing the template (using hook) please?
Already seen but I'm stuck.

My hook:

class XenCrea_ColorPicker_Hook_ColorPicker
    public static function templateHook($hookName, &$contents, array $hookParams, XenForo_Template_Abstract $template)
        switch ($hookName)
            case 'breadcrumb':
                  // here, how add text before or after <xen:if is="{$navigation}"> please ?

Template breadcrumb:

            // ... My text here
            <xen:if is="{$navigation}"> //Line to replace.
            // ... or here
                <xen:foreach loop="$navigation" value="$breadcrumb" i="$i" count="$count">
                    <span class="crust"{xen:if $microdata, ' itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""'}>
                        <a href="{xen:raw $breadcrumb.href}" class="crumb"{xen:if $microdata, ' rel="up" itemprop="url"'}><span{xen:if $microdata, ' itemprop="title"'}>{xen:raw $breadcrumb.value}</span></a>
                        <span class="arrow"><span>&gt;</span></span>
$content = "<xen:if is="{$navigation}">";
$content .= // my code, is posible ?
First of all, your code is looking for a template hook called 'breadcrumb'.

There is a template called breadcrumb, but there isn't a hook called breadcrumb.

You can only play with template content that sits between template hook tags.

A template hook tag looks like:

<xen:hook name="body">

You will probably want to use the page_container_breadcrumb_top hook.

This is the hook that contains the breadcrumb template.

The code within that hook is:

<div class="breadBoxTop">
<xen:if is="{$topctrl}"><div class="topCtrl">{xen:raw $topctrl}</div></xen:if>
<xen:include template="breadcrumb"><xen:set var="$microdata">1</xen:set></xen:include>

With that in mind you might want to try something like:

class XenCrea_ColorPicker_Hook_ColorPicker
    public static function templateHook($hookName, &$contents, array $hookParams, XenForo_Template_Abstract $template)
        switch ($hookName)
            case 'page_container_breadcrumb_top':
                  $contents = str_replace('<div class="breadBoxTop">', '<div class="breadBoxTop">YOUR TEXT HERE', $contents);
Thank you for the explanation and demonstration with str_replace :)
Hello, I have this:

            case 'page_container_head':
                $codeToReplace        = '<!--XenForo_Require:JS-->';
                $remplacementCode    = '<!--XenForo_Require:JS-->
                    <xen:include template="XenCreaColorPickerCookie.js" />
                    <xen:include template="XenCreaColorPicker.js" />
                    <xen:include template="XenCreaColorPickerExtra.js" />
              $contents = str_replace($codeToReplace, $remplacementCode, $contents);

But javascript is not loaded, code is not parsed ?
And </head> and <body> is duplicated (a problem with my hook).

Html Source:

Do you know why please? :)

Complete file:

class XenCrea_ColorPicker_Hook_ColorPicker
    public static function templateHook($hookName, &$contents, array $hookParams, XenForo_Template_Abstract $template)
        switch ($hookName)
            case 'page_container_breadcrumb_top':
              $contents = str_replace('<fieldset class="breadcrumb">', '<fieldset class="breadcrumb">
                <!-- .... -->
              ', $contents);
            case 'page_container_head':
                $codeToReplace        = '<!--XenForo_Require:JS-->';
                $remplacementCode    = '<!--XenForo_Require:JS-->
                    <xen:include template="XenCreaColorPickerCookie.js" />
                    <xen:include template="XenCreaColorPicker.js" />
                    <xen:include template="XenCreaColorPickerExtra.js" />
              $contents = str_replace($codeToReplace, $remplacementCode, $contents);
It's good now :)

class XenCrea_ColorPicker_Hook_ColorPicker
    public static function templateHook($hookName, &$contents, array $hookParams, XenForo_Template_Abstract $template)
        switch ($hookName)
            case 'page_container_breadcrumb_top':
              $contents = str_replace('<fieldset class="breadcrumb">', '<fieldset class="breadcrumb">
                    <!-- ... -->
              ', $contents);
            case 'page_container_head':
                $Template1 = $template->create('XenCreaColorPickerCookie.js', $template->getParams());
                $rendered1 = $Template1->render();
                $Template1 = $template->create('XenCreaColorPicker.js', $template->getParams());
                $rendered2 = $Template1->render();
                $Template1 = $template->create('XenCreaColorPickerExtra.js', $template->getParams());
                $rendered3 = $Template1->render();
                $contents .= $rendered1;
                $contents .= $rendered2;
                $contents .= $rendered3;

But the javascript is displayed inside the source code:
Is there a more "clean" methode please? :)

You should put your code into js files, not into the template system.

So physically create files at, e.g:


And then you can call that in your Listener.

So instead of $template->create use this instead to add an external JS file:

$template->addRequiredExternal('js', 'js/XenCrea/XenCreaColorPickerCookie.js');

EDIT: I also note that in your example above, that you're implementing a Cookie plugin. XenForo has this functionality built in.

To set a Cookie use:

$.setCookie('name', 'value');

To get a Cookie use:

Thanks :)
But I have:


It's optional now ? :)

Else it's possible to minify the javascript?
The template system tell me an error when I did that.

External js compatible with minify ?
It really isn't normal to display javascript inline in the raw HTML.

It is always best practice to have Javascript in external js files.

Ideally - and you will see it done this way in most add-ons - you will create your own templates which you add via hooks. Those templates can include external js using <xen:require js="js/YourAddOn/YourJsFile.js" />.

If for whatever reason you can't or don't need your own templates, you can certainly use the method I mentioned above which would be:

$contents .= $template->addRequiredExternal('js', 'js/XenCrea/XenCreaColorPickerCookie.js');

The benefit then is that it is more optimal for the browser, should improve page load time, SEO, the javascript can be cached by the browser to save http requests and best of all, it can be minified which as you've found out - you cannot use minified JS code in raw HTML.
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