When I upload an image to my XF Gallery, I get a "title" and "description", but how do I add a link to that image if I want it to go somewhere (i.e. a certain thread)?
We are going to be allowing select users to embed hundreds of links in our XF Media from Youtube and other outlets to build a "library" of sorts. While we are assigning different users to different categories, it would still be great to prevent duplication - just like you would on a shared spreadsheet. Is there a setting for this?
Create a company profile on YT that all authors can log into and simply click Save when you add a video. Save to lists named your XF categories. Then when they go to YT to grab a video link, they can simply look to see if it has already been saved.
Don't they have to go to YT to get the video? Can't they marked Saved when they grab the code? If someone else goes to grab it they see the Saved icon and know it's been uploaded to your site.