How screwed am I?

Right, I managed to get a few tables back from the forums database, thats the good news.

The bad news is it will take litterally days to do it manually, so, i'll list the steps here, but you'll have to decide how you want to continue, as, to be blunt, im not going to sit here and do this for days on end.

  1. Create a new MySQL server.
  2. Create a new database
  3. Add the table you want to recover with create table table_name (id int) engine=innodb
  4. Copy the FRM file from your backup, and overwrite the one you just made on the new database
  5. Use MySQL dump to dump the schema somewhere
  6. Add some fake data to create the .idb file.
  7. Alter the table and disgard the tablespace
  8. Replace the idb file with the backup you have.
  9. Re specify the tablespace
  10. Re calculate and insert the relevent ibdata offset.
  11. Repeat.

I have a plan to try this en-masse tomorow... but no guarantees...
Please don't go through that, man. It's seriously not worth going through all that effort. I've got a fair amount of work to do with permissions, and various ought tweaks, by certainly nothing worth that amount of effort . My big concern was my Ampache library, that represents several years worth of work.

The forum isn't that bad, I can work from the backup I do have (it's about 1 month old), and go from there.

I sincerely appreciate all the help and encouragement you guys have provided. It really makes me feel good to know that the community is here for me.
Please don't go through that, man. It's seriously not worth going through all that effort. I've got a fair amount of work to do with permissions, and various ought tweaks, by certainly nothing worth that amount of effort . My big concern was my Ampache library, that represents several years worth of work.

The forum isn't that bad, I can work from the backup I do have (it's about 1 month old), and go from there.

I sincerely appreciate all the help and encouragement you guys have provided. It really makes me feel good to know that the community is here for me.

Even better, now I don't feel guilty about not doing it :D
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