I'm using vbulletin 4 right now on my forums. My main concerns are converting the template/theme along with 301 redirecting urls from dbseo to the format xenforo uses. Another concern is mobile usability and of course pagespeed rankings.
One more thing is that my site is probably about average rating for alexa stats (in the top 550K atm), so if I convert, how quickly would google and other search engines recover the indexed pages, rankings etc? About a month, 3-4 months? What was your experience like in this regard?
So with that said, how easy or hard would it be to convert my current template?
One more thing is that my site is probably about average rating for alexa stats (in the top 550K atm), so if I convert, how quickly would google and other search engines recover the indexed pages, rankings etc? About a month, 3-4 months? What was your experience like in this regard?
So with that said, how easy or hard would it be to convert my current template?
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