How many lines of code are there currently?

Call me crazy but perhaps if we use less lines of text, that could effectively increase fasting loading on a browser? Of course the speed most likely won't be a huge difference, however if a lot of lines are to be shortened, then perhaps we could save seconds?
You're crazy.

:p kidding aside, not really.

The code I wrote above are PHP code, which is back end. If executed, both of them would provide the same output "true", or "false" based on $some_var. The HTML output is generated as result of the PHP code. When vrtsouls ask how many lines of code, I'm under the assumption he meant code in PHP because code in HTML he can just count by viewing the source code of each page and sum up.

As for the speed difference in HTML... not really again. Gzip compression is used, so the difference as result of the blank lines will become so small that it'll probably differ in less than a few bytes. Most people have decent connection that is capable of handling at least 10,000+ bytes per second, so the difference would be less than fractions of a second :)

Edit: dammit you guys! :p you're too quick :D
You're crazy.

:p kidding aside, not really.

The code I wrote above are PHP code, which is back end. If executed, both of them would provide the same output "true", or "false" based on $some_var. The HTML output is generated as result of the PHP code. When vrtsouls ask how many lines of code, I'm under the assumption he meant code in PHP because code in HTML he can just count by viewing the source code of each page and sum up.

As for the speed difference in HTML... not really again. Gzip compression is used, so the difference as result of the blank lines will become so small that it'll probably differ in less than a few bytes. Most people have decent connection that is capable of handling at least 10,000+ bytes per second, so the difference would be less than fractions of a second :)
Google's Page Speed threw a fit when I didn't minimize the whitespace in HTML.
Call me crazy but perhaps if we use less lines of text, that could effectively increase fasting loading on a browser? Of course the speed most likely won't be a huge difference, however if a lot of lines are to be shortened, then perhaps we could save seconds?

Its the same logic. It just happens to be 1 compact line (which I always forget the syntax of, so I never use it), rather than using code blocks. Just programming differences. The one line compact is more useful (to me) when you use something like this:

 $is_happy = true;
$happygolucky = $is_happy ? 'true' : 'false';
Ahh right, well thanks for the replies. ;) I'm not too good with php, just a beginner. I'm more experienced with HTML and CSS. Anyhow, the only other thing I can say for having shorter lines of text is to keep the document organised? :P
Ahh right, well thanks for the replies. ;) I'm not too good with php, just a beginner. I'm more experienced with HTML and CSS. Anyhow, the only other thing I can say for having shorter lines of text is to keep the document organised? :p
I prefer the second examples (code blocks) for organization, personally. But really, the two syntaxes are just a matter of personally preferences.
I don't like typing, so I always use as much shorthand as I can while keeping my code readable

I try to avoid
if($a == $b) massiveFunction($input,$output,$variable); else reallyMassiveObject->longFunction($a,$b,$c,input);

Cause it's impossible for me to skim read it :)
I prefer the second examples (code blocks) for organization, personally. But really, the two syntaxes are just a matter of personally preferences.
Same. To me, it's much more logical than the first example.

Additionally, when it comes to someone reviewing the code for whatever reason, it's much more clear to them what you are doing. This is also why I always use XHTML Transitional.
Same. To me, it's much more logical than the first example.

Additionally, when it comes to someone reviewing the code for whatever reason, it's much more clear to them what you are doing. This is also why I always use XHTML Transitional.
There's nothing illogical, unclear, or confusing about the ternary operator. Use it where it's appropriate and use an if statement where appropriate. ;)
Same. To me, it's much more logical than the first example.

Additionally, when it comes to someone reviewing the code for whatever reason, it's much more clear to them what you are doing. This is also why I always use XHTML Transitional.
Most of the time, when I use the shorthand versions, its to to assign variables where that's all I'm doing. (See last post for the example) If I didn't, the code would be come more unwieldy and unmanageable for a time. Imagine having 9 variables being assigned values based on a few variables are set. That's quite a lot more by using the block syntax.
Seeing as whitespace doesn't affect execution time, and the difference between using the if($a) ? true : false syntax and using if else statements is minimal, I almost always take the more verbose, more organized approach. Helps a ton when you come back a year later and have to re-learn the code. :)
Ahh right, well thanks for the replies. ;) I'm not too good with php, just a beginner. I'm more experienced with HTML and CSS. Anyhow, the only other thing I can say for having shorter lines of text is to keep the document organised? :p
Well... the whole point I was trying to bring out is that lines of code doesn't really make any difference in a software as there are different ways to code exact same thing... I guess the same idea is if I do either of these in HTML:
<html><head></head><body><table><tr><td>Cell 1</td><td>Cell 2</td></tr></table></body></html>

                <td>Cell 1</td>
                <td>Cell 2</td>

The two would output exactly the same thing.
Uncompressed, they'd be 94 bytes and 193 bytes; passing through gzip and they're down to 91 bytes and 105 bytes. The 14 bytes difference isn't going to break anyone's internet connection... even the 100 bytes isn't really going to show up as much of a delay anyways :)
There's nothing illogical, unclear, or confusing about the ternary operator. Use it where it's appropriate and use an if statement where appropriate. ;)
To me, it just doesn't feel natural. However, this is the first time someone has presented to me, a piece of code with ternary operators. Having said that, I've just read the manual pertinent to this, and it seems like a suitable, workable alternative.
Uncompressed, they'd be 94 bytes and 193 bytes; passing through gzip and they're down to 91 bytes and 105 bytes. The 14 bytes difference isn't going to break anyone's internet connection... even the 100 bytes isn't really going to show up as much of a delay anyways :)
But extend this to the whole page, and whitespace does and can make a difference. As you've shown, it can be almost double the size of the equivalent minimized file (uncompressed). :)
To me, it just doesn't feel natural. However, this is the first time someone has presented to me, a piece of code with ternary operators. Having said that, I've just read the manual pertinent to this, and it seems like a suitable, workable alternative.

It's useful for assigning variables, but not so much for handling conditional branching in a script. :)
To me, it just doesn't feel natural. However, this is the first time someone has presented to me, a piece of code with ternary operators. Having said that, I've just read the manual pertinent to this, and it seems like a suitable, workable alternative.
Ternary Operators were probably one of the first things that came up when I was learning PHP after things such as if(), else if(), and else(). Probably because I learned through vBulletin and that used them.
It's useful for assigning variables, but not so much for handling conditional branching in a script. :)
I was going to ask you how useful it was for conditional branching. Once I get my paws on XF, I'll be reviewing it, simply because I want to break away from the traditional way of doing things, and learn alternative ways. I've finally got my head around basic OOP.
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