How long does the XenForo demo take before it is sent to my email?


Active member
Hi I just requested a demo about 15mins ago and I am still waiting for it. Any idea how long it takes?

(Must say I am extremely impressed with XenForo. This is the first time I have used it. After seeing the latest Vbulletin 5 I was horrified and had to start looking for another solution right away :D)
In the meantime hit up Harry Fox. Most of the member's here on the support forum are good enough to let you into their testing grounds. I would but mine runs off a sandbox server that's only accessible on my PC lol (localhost via XAMPP).
In the meantime hit up Harry Fox. Most of the member's here on the support forum are good enough to let you into their testing grounds. I would but mine runs off a sandbox server that's only accessible on my PC lol (localhost via XAMPP).

Happy to lend anyone my test forum. Send me a PC or let me know here. Happy to give anyone login details.
That has to be against TOS of the license.
Licence agreement said:
This license is granted to You alone. You may not redistribute the Software in whole or in part. You may not rent, lease, sub-license, sell, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise dispose of the Software in any form, on a temporary or permanent basis, without the prior written consent of XenForo Limited.
Harry didn't rent, lease, sub-licence, sell, assign, pledge, or transfer the Software.
But can we say that he "made disposed of the Software on temporary basis ?" If so, it's indeed againt TOS of the licence.

Jake? :p
Harry didn't rent, lease, sub-licence, sell, assign, pledge, or transfer the Software.
But can we say that he "made disposed of the Software on temporary basis ?" If so, it's indeed againt TOS of the licence.

Jake? :p

Well, it says that with the license you are allowed one test forum which has to be closed.

Btw, nobody actually knows the destination of the forum apart from one person who I shared it with privately.
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