How large is your largest thread?

I've got several threads in the 50k+ region (the largest is at 110k), so this could be problem as I'm looking to switch to XF soon.
I'm not sure there is any significant benefit from threads this large.
Other than to be marvelled by it's massiveness, which is fun but not important.
Would doing a thread trim once a year seem like a good idea ?

Title: Super Massive thread - Mindless Word Game [70,000 posts] ... convert it to:

Title: Super Massive thread - Mindless Word Game [2008] (locked)
Title: Super Massive thread - Mindless Word Game [2009] (locked)
Title: Super Massive thread - Mindless Word Game [2010] (locked)
Title: Super Massive thread - Mindless Word Game [2011]

The 90%/10% rule of Software programming (and Life).
  • You don't allow things you do 90% of the time to be hampered by something you do 10% of the time.
  • aka: Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater
I'd want my users to be REALLY happy 90% of the time. (y)
Yes, I agree, and as I mentioned in the other topic, the 110k topic was closed down many years ago. The other threads actually aren't "forum games", but instead contain a lot of discussion around a current event and can quickly grow by several thousand posts per day.

Does XF have a feature similar to vBulletin's "split thread"?
Damn you ask all the tough questions !

Currently: I'm not entirely sure.
I know it didn't last summer.

Solution: trim the threads in vB before upgrading to xenForo. :)
Sorry, I'm one of those people who has to spend a lot of time researching all their options before they make any big decisions. :D Some good advice to trim those threads before converting to ensure things go smoothly, I'll do that.

Thanks for confirmation of the feature, Carlos. (y)
Thanks for confirmation of the feature, Carlos. (y)
However, you won't find the "split" button like you do on vbulletin. You need to click each post, and move it to a thread or a new thread, etc. Whichever is your situation.

I know because I have tested it already.
Sorry, I'm one of those people who has to spend a lot of time researching all their options before they make any big decisions...
Me too. :)

Might want to check out this How To video:

In the past when using vb I've temporarily set number of things per page (posts/threads) to an extremely large number to speed things up while working with unwieldy large threads & forums.
Without a doubt: Receipt of Attorney's/Solicitor's letter for selling counterfeit goods on eBay

While it's only about 125 or so replies, for a legal thread, that's huge. Many buy cheap bulk product which they try to hawk on eBay, only to be surprised when an attorney or solicitor sends them a letter suspecting them of selling counterfeit goods (right or wrong.) I'm glad that on my site I don't have long threads like "the longest thread on this site" thread, etc. :D - we got a few big ones, but nothing like you guys are reporting here.
Screen shot 2011-08-04 at 3.08.43 PM.webp
We used to have one at over 35,000 replies, but we eventually split it.

We now tend to split the large ones off after a while as no one is interested in the older posts on a day to day basis.
We're doing the same.
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