How Do You Determine Your Resource Version?


Well-known member
So I've released three resources so far, all of which have been styles, which started at version 1.0. When I've released updates, such as to fix hard-to-see text, I've increased the second number (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.).

How far should that go before going to 2.0 and then how long should that go before going to 3.0 and so on? Also, should I change to third pointers (1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc.)?
It's all down to personal preference. But generally:

x.x.X third point release would focus on bug fixes, minor changes.

x.X.x second point release would focus on larger changes, new features.

X.x.x first point release would essentially be a complete re-write.

That's near enough to how the XenForo version numbering works.
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