XF 1.5 How do you change warning section text

Hello there!
When you click on a users profile, if they have a warning (or several) there will be a warning tab. My question is, when you click on this tab, how do I change the text, so expired warnings pop up in red text instead of the grey?

I would think active warnings should be more noticeable but at any rate.
Expired: (red)
.warningList .dataRow.muted {
        color: #f00;

If you want...

Active Warning: (green)
.warningList .dataRow {
        color: #00af00;
Okay, thank you very much! c:

EDIT: It worked! Once again, thanks! Also, I see you have PixelExit in your signature. I'm using one of the styles from PixelExit! It looks great.
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