XF 2.1 How do I set myself up to moderate posts?


Well-known member
I've set myself up as Administrator, but I can't seem to moderate posts. Where have I gone wrong?
You done nothing wrong. XF treats administrators and moderators as two distinct roles, that is why you need to add yourself as a moderator if you would like to perform moderating duties on top of your admin duties.

Groups and permissions->Staff->Moderators and click the Add moderator button, and add yourself as a Super moderator. The screen that comes up will allow you to select the moderating group to join, and set the permissions you would like. As a super admin, you would want to select all permissions, if they are not already selected.
Ah that is brilliant, thanks! Just couldn't work it out before. Found it so confusing.

I've got a private category section that only moderators can see. I've made the node private, but I cannot work out how to let the moderators see it. Is it a simple thing to do?
I don't see the View Node to Yes option. I also took the tick out of the Private Node list and I still can't see it in the forums.

This is what I see:

Oops, forgot to mention above to select the node you made private. According to your screen shot:

Forum->Node permissions->Moderating Area. Then select the moderating group and then set View node to Yes.
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