How do I move the navigation bar down? Please see screen shot


Well-known member
I am playing around with this system trying to learn it and wonder how I can move the navigation bar down. I have played with all kinds of settings but have yet to find the one that works..

See the blue line that runs left to right? I would like to push the nav bar down to match that..

Thanks for any help with this!


I played with the templates and came up with this:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> navigation

Near the top of the template I added style="margin-top: 10px;" as shown below:

<xen:edithint template="navigation.css" />

<div id="navigation" class="pageWidth">
    <div class="pageContent">

<div class="navTabs" style="margin-top: 10px;">
    <ul class="publicTabs">

        <!-- home -->
        <li class="navTab home PopupClosed"><a href="{$homeLink}" class="navLink">{xen:phrase home}</a></li>
        <!-- forums -->
        <xen:if is="{$tabs.forums}">

That lowered the entire navbar.

You can also add that property to the navTabs class in the navigation.css template.
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