XF 2.1 How can I send out a test "registration" email?


Well-known member
Is there an easy way to send out a test "registration" email?

I'm playing around with HTML in my email, and rather than having to register dummy users each time I want to test the changes in the email, I'm looking for an easy way to send the email out so I can test it.

Thanks in advance!
OK, but this doesn't include the text of the registration-mail.
Either copy / paste your welcome email/conversation from here to test: https://yourdomain.com/community/admin.php?options/groups/usersAndRegistration/


from one of the 3 below phrases:

Run them through either Message Users (to test Conversations), or Email Users (to test emails HTML Code). You can even just go as far as Preview and not even send it.

At least that's how I work around it.
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