how can i make sure my forum stays up after i die?

I would ask an existing member you can trust to run it. In fact I have already broached the subject because you need to know they are prepared to take it on.

I need to know it will be looked after, I will be checking in every now and again.
That is what I have done. I prepared someone I trust, made him an Admin, gave him complete access to the domain registrar, host, root, and other things. I know he is versed in the site functions and more. On the phone we talked as we logged into WHM, Cpanel, FTP...
Again though, this is someone I completely trust with this information.
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I need to deal with this. On one forum there isn't really anyone I could ask to take over (at the moment) - needs to be someone younger and regular IMO. And with a bit of technical knowledge. My members with technical knowledge are all older.

I think I would leave instructions on who executors are to email about it to take it over and pass on all the details and instruct that x amount in a will is to cover the running for 6 months or something until it's taken over.

Meaning I need to find someone to take it over!
I need to deal with this. On one forum there isn't really anyone I could ask to take over (at the moment) - needs to be someone younger and regular IMO. And with a bit of technical knowledge. My members with technical knowledge are all older.

I think I would leave instructions on who executors are to email about it to take it over and pass on all the details and instruct that x amount in a will is to cover the running for 6 months or something until it's taken over.

Meaning I need to find someone to take it over!
Make a thread and ask for staff.
I guess if someone does nothing, the forum would just continue until a server fee wasn’t paid. Unless someone you have authorised in advance takes over and has all the necessary logins.

For example the Xenforo account would be in a deceased person’s name so they would presumably need to open a new account for that web address and inform xf to close the other one due to the person being deceased and for most things like that you need proof - eg a copy of a death certificate.

This is getting grim!
I guess if someone does nothing, the forum would just continue until a server fee wasn’t paid.

In many cases it won't be that simple. Usually the deceased's bank accounts would be frozen, the payments would stop and the host will shut down the account. It would be the duty of the executor to authorise any payments which would normally only be funeral expenses. If they don't know about the forum then that would most likely be the end.

It would be up to the executor to inform any recipients of direct debits and other recurring payments, They could choose to continue those personally.

If you have a clause in the will granting them permission to continue to pay from your otherwise frozen account they may be able to but they are possibly into a big and possibly fruitless discussion with the bank, especially if it just a covering letter. Otherwise they have to wait until probate is granted or pay from their own pocket. You may want to make sure their share of the will would eventually reimburse them.

Unless you are confident such a clause will be accepted by the bank, it would be best to discuss with the executor (ideally while you are still alive) whether they will agree to continue paying personally if the bank won't.
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To add to what's been posted above, you really need to make your wishes clear in a will. You might for example not want to your site to remain live or in some cases your site might have financial value that can be passed on to a named beneficiary.

It is also imperative someone other than yourself has full access to everything required to take ownership of your site i.e. the domain, hosting, software etc. I have seen more than one major site lost forever because of data protection. Those details could be contained within your will or better still (as details may change), with a beneficiary or someone your trust.
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