XF 1.5 How can i add my extra css in header.css template

Teena Liberman

New member

I want to add my extra css in these classes "#header .pageWidth .pageContent". I found it in header.css template but it is something like that

{xen:helper clearfix, '#header .pageWidth .pageContent'}

and on front-end its displaying

how can i add my own custom css in the template which will appear below this zoom style !!
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It's not clear what you're trying to do but you add your custom CSS to the EXTRA.css template, or you edit the original CSS template.
Thank you Borgan for your response.

I have downloaded a free XenForo Theme and imported it on XenForo Forum. Then i created a new style which actually overwrite the parent theme style (the free theme which i downloaded is selected as a parent and child style which i created is selected by default). I just want to ask if i want to modify any php template or css template of that theme, then what is the good practice to modify it?? and will the style (my changes) remain there when any future update happen??

Hope it clear to you.

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