ok so you a a few thing you want to do here. My suggestion would be for you to provide examples either by showing us screen shots or a website that has this custom work that you want done. To answer the question about
is a simple task.
You would just need to create a sub folder inside the (public_html folder) on your sever called forum
then you install or move your xenforo to this folder called forum
lets take my website for example.
public_html/oo5dynasty.com/forum <--- xenforo is inside the forum folder
Now when you go to the forum on your website the link will look like www.mywebsite.com/forum because it is showing the contents inside the forum folder which would be xenforo. This will leave your main directory open for you to create a custom home page for your website.
So inside of the public_html/ you will upload the index.html file and all of the content that goes along with this file to create the home page for www.mywebsite.com Then you will need to have a link to access the forum from this home page.
So Your website will look like this.
www.mywebsite.com ( home page )
www.mywebsite.com/forum ( your forum )
In order to make changes to your xenforo installation i recommend doing this first.
Make a copy of the default xenforo style because you do not want to edit your only default style. You want to always start with a new style before making changes to your board.
as you can see in this image my default style has no been touched, and i am using the one the arrow is pointing to.
So when you want to make non destructive changes to your style that is easy to find when you need to edit or remove the code, is in the extra.css template.
So if you are looking to remove something from a template in xenforo, and not remove it from other templates you need to specify that in the code.
So if i wanted to remove the title bar from my main forum page only, the code would look like this.
.forum_list .titleBar {
display: none;
.forum_list- Is the template i wanted to remove the title from
display: none; Is what removes it from view
You have to play around with this to see how it works.
This code would go inside of the extra.css template.
Watch this Video cause this is where i learned how to remove or edit what i wanted in xenforo.
You can register to my site to peep it.