XF 2.0 Home Page with xenforo 2.0


good morning, with xenforo 2.0 will there be a chance to create a home page where to highlight some discussions and media wordpress style?
Thank you
There are some advanced behaviors you can do with widgets and a custom page node (set as the index route). However, to do things like picking the content to display, you may still need an add-on.
There are some advanced behaviors you can do with widgets and a custom page node (set as the index route).

If we have the XenForo software in a folder called forums, like this:

can we have the Home tab bring up a XenForo page with this URL?
No, URLs can only be within the location where you install XenForo. You would install XF into the root in this situation.

Too bad we can't do that as it would make organizing the server directories much better. Having a bunch of files in the web root is messy.

Isn't there any way to over come this issue in the future? Somehow expose the page outside the location where XenForo is installed.
You can cheat a bit ...

Assuming that the XF installation is in /forums, you are using Apache with full friendly URLs and your desired homepage has the url home, placing the following wrapper as index.php in / might work (for XF 1.5 and 2.0):

$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/forum/pages/home/';
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/forum/index.php';
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/forum/index.php';
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