XF 2.1 Hide reactions in the Latest activity

One way is to change upper part of news_feed_macros template to this:
<xf:macro name="feed_row" arg-item="!">
	<xf:if is="{$item.action} != 'reaction'">
		<li class="block-row block-row--separated {{ $xf.visitor.isIgnoring($item.user_id) ? ' is-ignored' : '' }}" data-author="{{ $item.User ? $item.User.username : $item.username }}">
			<xf:macro name="feed_item" arg-item="{$item}" />

But it can easily happen that dozen of latest entries are reactions, leaving Latest activity page empty.

Meaning this should be done on PHP side, i.e. src\XF\Pub\Controller\WhatsNew.php function actionLatestActivity() should be altered to ignore reactions?
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