XF 1.4 hide hidden forums from destination list when moving threads


when my moderators try to move threads, they still see the long list of all forums including hidden ones.. is there a way to hide these hidden forums from the destination list?
Hidden as in ones that aren't normally displayed in the node list? No, as this would prevent them from moving threads to those forums, for example. If you don't want them to see specific forums at all, you should revoke their "view" permissions from those specific forums.
done :cool:

threads_fields_move template
<dl class="ctrlUnit">
    <dt><label for="ctrl_node_id">{xen:phrase destination_forum}:</label></dt>
        <select name="node_id" id="ctrl_node_id" class="textCtrl selectForum">
        <xen:foreach loop="$nodeOptions" value="$node">
            <xen:if is="{$node.display_in_list} != 0">
            <option value="{$node.node_id}" {xen:selected '{$node.node_id} == {$firstThread.node_id}'}
                {xen:if "{$node.node_type_id} != 'Forum'", 'disabled="disabled"'}>{xen:string repeat, '&nbsp; ', $node.depth}{$node.title}</option>
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