hide Forum statistics from sidebar ?


Well-known member

I would like to hide "Members Online Now" and "Forum Statistics" in the sidebar. I want to hide it both for members and visitors.

I would like to put the blocks "Find Member", "Highest Posting Members" and "Newest Members" to the Sidebar at the Homepage. Exactly the same blocks as are being shown at the "Members Page".
I want to have these blocks positioned atop the "Share this Page"-block (in the Sidebar) at the Homepage.

Could you please give me a quick help on this?

.boardStats {display: none;}

.sidebar .userList { display: none;}

sorry, but this not work, xen 1.5.10. what i can do ?
Your code is not quite right in the first line, you have a . instead of a #. It should be:

#boardStats {
display: none;
.sidebar .userList {
display: none;

This does work with 1.5.10 (I've just tested this).
Make sure you have put the code into EXTRA.css for each of the styles you use. Also if you are using another add-on (XenPorta 2? - I see you have posted in that thread) then you'll need to ask for support in the discussion thread for that add-on on how to remove these from that sidebar.

dam..sorry ( rookie things ), you have the whole truth, i had forgotten it was in my style Extra.css, and not in the master style.

now works.
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