Help with spammers.


New member
Hi Community,
I've seen on Digital Point forum that posts from new members don't have links enabled, people can still copy and paste them but it doesn't look like hyper link. I've looked all over how to enable such feature but couldn't find it. Please help if you know. That should resolve my spam problem.

Thanks a lot,

P.S. Jeremy, I've associated my license with this user name, some guidance would be very helpful though, since it looks like I still can't post anywhere except here...
Hi Community,
I've seen on Digital Point forum that posts from new members don't have links enabled, people can still copy and paste them but it doesn't look like hyper link. I've looked all over how to enable such feature but couldn't find it. Please help if you know. That should resolve my spam problem.
One that prevents users from posting links until certain requirements are met already exists - @tenants StopHumanSpam. Nice and I have the entire suite of his stuff (paid version) running on one of my sites. If the others take off the paid version will also be installed on them.
StopHumanSpam only (paid)
Full suite of his utilities (paid)
Full suite of his utilities (free - with copyright text)
One that prevents users from posting links until certain requirements are met already exists - @tenants StopHumanSpam. Nice and I have the entire suite of his stuff (paid version) running on one of my sites. If the others take off the paid version will also be installed on them.
StopHumanSpam only (paid)
Full suite of his utilities (paid)
Full suite of his utilities (free - with copyright text)

This looks great! Huge thanks! In this free version, where is the copyright shown?
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