XF 1.3 Help with Node Permissions


Active member
I thought I knew permissions pretty well...but either there isn't a way to do it, or I can't figure it out...

Is it possible to require someone to be a member of two specific groups in order to view a forum?

Group 1
Group 2

I've tried everything I can think of, and nothing I do makes it require the member to be in both groups to see the forum.
Permissions are cumulative, not additive/exclusive

One way to do it would be to create two user group promotions: promote to group B if in group A, promote to group C if in group B.
Only allow access to the node for group C.
Hmmm, I see the issue now.

I'll have to go and think about it but I'm not sure it's possible as the user group promotion criteria is OR not AND, for secondary user groups.
yup, that's what I was afraid of. It's not a huge issue though, just means I have to create a few more groups to use as primary's. Thanks for thinking about it though :)
I'm actually in the process of completely redoing my permissions to implement that actually. Just reinstalled xenforo after a while out of the game and was still stuck in vb mode :).
This is actually very easy to do in it's simplest form you could have it like this

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4

Category 1 = Group 1
  • Forum A = Group 2 - So you need to be a member of Group 1 & Group 2
    • Forum C = Group 3 - So you need to be a member of Group 1, Group 2 & Group 3
  • Forum D = Group 4 - So you need to be a member of Group 1 & Group 4
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