XF 2.0 Help pages with url depth


Well-known member
I'm curious how to add help pages with depth. For example, entering getting-started (from the manual) leads to url/help/getting-started. What if I'd like /getting-started/stepone? This errors out when creating the page with a page_id problem.

Can this only be done through the PHP callback? In which case, is there an example provided somewhere so that this can be achieved? Maybe it could be added to the documentation.
I don't like this, but if you really want to avoid the php part, you could edit the helper_wrapper template and manipulate that with your custom links.
Something like:
<xf:if is="{$xf.uri} == 'custom/help/'">
    // your custom sidebar
    <xf:elseif ...
    // another one
    <xf:else />
    // default
Just before the foreach loop. Haven't tested that but should work.
I’m actually thinking of creating an addon now and will probably change discussion into the development forum when I’m stuck.
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