Help Menu Additional Pages [Deleted]

This question doesn't necessarily have to be answered by the developer of this or anything... but I have this add-on and there is the "Staff" page in which I would like to use, and begin working on putting it together today. This is kind of more of a "coding" question.

I understand basic html, and can get by with W3 tutorials and such. But this page...

Here is the code for this page:
<xen:require css="help_menu.css" />

<xen:if is="@helpMenuStaff">
<xen:title>{xen:phrase help_staff}</xen:title>
    <div class="messageText ugc baseHtml helpAbout">
    <div class="helpAboutTitle">Delete this title if you don't want it… Copy it to reuse it in this page...</div>
        <div class="content">
        <xen:comment>*** Start - Copy between tags to repeat for each staff member ***</xen:comment>
        <div class="staffWrapper">
            <div class="staffUserBlock">
                <div class="staffavatarHolder">
                    <a data-avatarhtml="true" itemprop="photo" class="avatar" href="index.php?members/anthony.1">
                    <span style="background-image: url(styles/default/xenforo/avatars/avatar_l.png);" class="img l"></span></a>
                <p class="staffuserText">
                <em itemprop="title">Enter Staff Name</em>

        <p>Repeat each section, filling in the appropriate staff avatar locations and URL's to correctly show their user member card.</p>
        <hr />
        <xen:comment>*** Finish - Copy between tags to repeat for each staff member ***</xen:comment>

        <div style="clear:both;"></div>

Can someone highlight just the areas I should change to create this page to where I can list all staff, and I am not sure where to get the correct URL for Staff Avatar Locations to show their user member card. Also, if this page is basically a scrolled down page where each staff is listed from top to bottom, is there something you would suggest I enter to separate each section between members?

So yeah, just need to be guided a little to make sure I am changing the correct part of code, what all should be corrected to also be able to put the staff's "about themselves" beside their picture here, and where to find the correct URL... Also, does anyone else have a staff page they may like to show me? Maybe one that may be even better than this layout? If so, I'd love to see to get other ideas for this. But since it requires coding, would need to know the code base for it so I could enter my own info.
If you look in there you will see tags to copy between them. Each one of those is one staff member. Copy it, paste it below, repeat process for each staff member.

To find their avatar inspect their current avatar via your browsers inspector to get their details. It doesn't change, as avatars are over-written when changed.

You could probably drop that page now, as staff have a default page in 1.2 under the members tab, unless you want to write a little blurb on each... which that page would do.

Your large one for example on that site is:
<img src="data/avatars/l/0/1.jpg" alt="MistyMeanor">

Your one here is
Thanks for the very helpful add-on Anthony!

Quick question, as I'm working on some of pages (Staff, Newbie, etc) I've commented them out on help_links_footer and help_links_wrapper as there is no use linking to place holder pages. I'm trying to do the same on template modification of help_index but it's telling me "This modification can only be enabled or disabled." Am I missing something?
This is what i difficult with the codes......isn't there just a simple add on which does this all automatically?
Great work....even for me as a non techie i got it working. Now something i don't do i add fontawesome icons herein?


thanks in advance
Oh.. my apologies. It's been a long day and I was attempting to edit the template directly and not through Template Modifications. Sorry for any confusion.

I am having a problem at this step. I just bought Xenforo and added this tool. When I use the template modifactions and try to edit Help_index - it tells me this

"This modification can only be enabled or disabled."

The document is not editable. Please help! Thanks
I am having a problem at this step. I just bought Xenforo and added this tool. When I use the template modifactions and try to edit Help_index - it tells me this

"This modification can only be enabled or disabled."

The document is not editable. Please help! Thanks

I'm having this same problem; I can not get it to allow me to edit the default descriptions for the various help pages. Can anyone help?
Last edited:
Yep, 1.3 -- though I installed it when I had 1.2. Does that account for my difficulty? And is there anything I can do to overcome it?
How do I edit the first 3 help topics here on my site:

I can't find where to modify the first 3 links on the Help page, or the description for those links. I checked the help_index template, and have been able to edit the rest of the links in there, but not the first three.
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