Help me change the Staff Online look


Well-known member
I would like to simplify the members online area, and would like the Staff Online to show like the People You Follow area. I would like only their avatar to show up and then when you hover over their avatar it shows their name.

I have created a screen shot of what I am looking to do.


I attempted to do it, but messed up the sidebar, so I figured I would ask here for some help.

If there's a different way to do this for showing all members like that, could someone cover that as well? I don't know for sure if I will use it if it takes up too much space, but I'd at least like to see how it would look. :)
This is one way...

In xenforo.css add->

.staffonlinelist li {
float: left;

In sidebar_online_users

<xen:if hascontent="true">
    <div class="section staffOnline avatarList">
        <div class="secondaryContent">
            <h3>{xen:phrase staff_online_now}</h3>
                    <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.is_moderator} OR {$user.is_admin}">
                                <xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" />
                                <a href="{xen:link members, $user}" class="username">{xen:helper richUserName, $user}</a>
                                <div class="userTitle">{xen:helper userTitle, $user}</div>

Replace with:

<xen:if hascontent="true">
    <div class="section staffOnline avatarList">
        <div class="secondaryContent">
            <h3>{xen:phrase staff_online_now}</h3>
            <ul class="staffonlinelist">
                    <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.is_moderator} OR {$user.is_admin}">
                                <xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" title="{xen:helper richUserName, $user}" />
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
Thanks Russ,

That got the staff showing up as a small icon like the People You Follow, now I will need to tweak it to move the staff sidebar and the members sidebar together and label the top of the small staff avatars with a Staff online like the People You Follow link is.

Thanks for the help! Now let's see what I can break to tweak it more.. :P

Jamie :)
Thanks Russ,

That got the staff showing up as a small icon like the People You Follow, now I will need to tweak it to move the staff sidebar and the members sidebar together and label the top of the small staff avatars with a Staff online like the People You Follow link is.

Thanks for the help! Now let's see what I can break to tweak it more.. :p

I got this working for you, I hope this is right or at least set you on the right foot:


In xenforo.css add->

.staffonlinelist img {
height: 32px;
width: 32px;
padding: 2px;

sidebar_online_users find ->

<div class="section membersOnline userList">        
    <div class="secondaryContent">
        <h3><a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_online_users}">{xen:phrase members_online_now}</a></h3>
        <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.records}">
            <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
                <xen:if hascontent="true">
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}:</a></h4>
                <ul class="followedOnline">
                        <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                            <xen:if is="{$user.followed}">
                                <li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip"><xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage" /></li>
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase members}:</a></h4>
            <ol class="listInline">
                <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user" i="$i">
                    <xen:if is="{$i} <= {$onlineUsers.limit}">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.user_id}">
                            <a href="{xen:link members, $user}"
                                class="username{xen:if '!{$user.visible}', ' invisible'}{xen:if {$user.followed}, ' followed'}">{$user.username}</a><xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                        <xen:else />
                            {xen:phrase guest}<xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}">
                    <li class="moreLink">... <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_visitors}">{xen:phrase and_x_more, 'count={xen:number $onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}'}</a></li>
        <div class="footnote">
            {xen:phrase online_now_x_members_y_guests_z, 'total={xen:number $}', 'members={xen:number $onlineUsers.members}', 'guests={xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}'}

Replace with ->

<div class="section membersOnline userList">        
    <div class="secondaryContent">
        <h3><a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_online_users}">{xen:phrase members_online_now}</a></h3>
<xen:if hascontent="true">
                <h4 class="minorHeading">{xen:phrase staff_online_now}</h4>
            <ul class="staffonlinelist">
                    <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.is_moderator} OR {$user.is_admin}">
                                <xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" title="{xen:helper richUserName, $user}" />
<div style="clear:both;"></div>

        <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.records}">
            <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
                <xen:if hascontent="true">
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}:</a></h4>
                <ul class="followedOnline">
                        <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                            <xen:if is="{$user.followed}">
                                <li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip"><xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage" /></li>
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase members}:</a></h4>
            <ol class="listInline">
                <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user" i="$i">
                    <xen:if is="{$i} <= {$onlineUsers.limit}">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.user_id}">
                            <a href="{xen:link members, $user}"
                                class="username{xen:if '!{$user.visible}', ' invisible'}{xen:if {$user.followed}, ' followed'}">{$user.username}</a><xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                        <xen:else />
                            {xen:phrase guest}<xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}">
                    <li class="moreLink">... <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_visitors}">{xen:phrase and_x_more, 'count={xen:number $onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}'}</a></li>
        <div class="footnote">
            {xen:phrase online_now_x_members_y_guests_z, 'total={xen:number $}', 'members={xen:number $onlineUsers.members}', 'guests={xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}'}

Then finally you'd want to remove the staff block


<xen:if hascontent="true">
    <div class="section staffOnline avatarList">
        <div class="secondaryContent">
            <h3>{xen:phrase staff_online_now}</h3>
            <ul class="staffonlinelist">
                    <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.is_moderator} OR {$user.is_admin}">
                                <xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" title="{xen:helper richUserName, $user}" />
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
That worked like a charm! I did put a <br /> break between the Staff Online and the Avatars.

Here is how it looks using the Flexile style:

Thanks for the help!! Much Appreciated!

That worked like a charm! I did put a <br /> break between the Staff Online and the Avatars.

Thanks for the help!! Much Appreciated!


Glad you like it Jamie, I made a slight adjustment to use the actual tooltip popup on hover, looks and responds nicer as well:

In this part:

<xen:if hascontent="true">
                <h4 class="minorHeading">{xen:phrase staff_online_now}</h4>
            <ul class="staffonlinelist">
                    <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.is_moderator} OR {$user.is_admin}">
                                <xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" title="{xen:helper richUserName, $user}" />
<div style="clear:both;"></div>

Replace with:

 <xen:if hascontent="true">
                 <h4 class="minorHeading">{xen:phrase staff_online_now}</h4>
             <ul class="staffonlinelist">
                     <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                         <xen:if is="{$user.is_moderator} OR {$user.is_admin}">
                             <li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip">
                                 <xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" />
 <div style="clear:both;"></div>

Also if you don't want to use a <br />

in xenforo.css

.staffonlinelist li {
float: left;
margin-top: 3px;

Add the margin-top

I'll make a new thread so it's not all mixed up :)[/code]
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