XF 2.1 Header Padding/Spacing


Active member
Hey gang been searching the threads to hopefully find a solution before post but have been unsuccessful. Im look to remove the spacing as you see in the attached picture. Your help is appreciated, cheers.

If the only part you changed was the padding and left everything else the same, it should have worked. So, I don't know what to tell you.
I copied and pasted
padding: 0 0;
to replace
padding: @xf-paddingMedium 0;
which had no change, so I reverted back to original and the changed it to this,
padding: @xf-paddingMedium -1px;
and then it worked.
The first value for padding is the top & bottom padding.

The second value is left & right padding.

So, changing the first value to zero padding: 0 0; should have removed the top & bottom padding.
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