XF 2.1 Has anyone made Xenforo look like a social site yet?


Well-known member
I'd like to have a setup that mimics the look/feel of Twitter/Facebook, so newcomers are familiar with the site and can figure it out.

I think it's possible if you skin/style the threads and give it a general timeline/newsfeed homepage, rather than a listing of forums/threads.

We already have the ability to do a quick post and tons of features for posting - it's just that the forum "look" is so outdated, that so many of the newer users are not figuring it out, or don't have the attention span to do so.

Xenforo software in general is just so damn good that I don't want to try any of the actual social scripts that already exist, and those I did try, like PhpFox, are just absolutely worthless.

It's a big task, but if anyone wants to chat about doing a custom style like this, I'd be listening for sure!
A forum is not a social media platform.
Social media has no rules and therefor you can be stalked by everyone and abused (just look at the way how reactions are being used here)
Forums have rules that are supposed to get rid of trolls that always complain about forum software.
As this forum is a business one you don't want trolls ruining everything.
Thank you @Suzanne O, I find this to be a rather interesting perspective.
(please note: I do assure you that I am not being sarcastic whatsoever.)

If this would be ok with you, may I inquire regarding the matter, as you've mentioned, of reactions misuse?

Certainly is not me misusing them simply because I have not had the use of the reactions for at least 2-3 months now.

However, the primary motivation for inquiring is as I would greatly appreciate further insight regarding unfamiliar-(*to me)-perspectives which may hopefully help elucidate blindspots.

Now for clarification, my intention here is strictly in the context of XF fora & for the sole purpose of potential development inspiration relating to this threads topic.

Would it be accurate to interpret your meaning as to imply that you primarily utilize XF fora to serve formal-&/or business functions, eg: for engaging with customers, clients, sales, advertising & such?

Regardless, I think you have presented a valid point in that there ought to be an appropriate standard of conduct set & maintained accordingly with formal/business fora and additionally, I have to agree with you too, as I think integrating general social media into formal/business fora communities may likely become problematic depending on how it may have been achieved & managed.

Even though I occasionally use YT, TGram, Post'n'Gone, etc, I prefer XF fora and actually findvthe general social media overwhelmingly repulsive for the most part, perhaps -65% due to the low value discourse, -15% the ads & garbage content, -15% the weaponized "censorship"...while the remaining +5% which can be reasonably valuable content...sometimes.

The little fora I am learning to manage, does not serve formal/business purposes and would pretty much be on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Essentially creating a small online environment where we may relax and discuss almost anything we wish to without imposition upon our inherent freedoms of expression, thus as odd as this will likely seem, I impose absolute no rules whatsoever—at least not "rules" in the commonly used sense due to the fundamental inadequacies.

So basically I manage my tiny fora community responsibilities in that it currently serves as our place to chill and also as a very limited substitute for general social media.

This is the intended purpose of why I am paying for the use of an XF fora system.
I am paying for a product/service which I am therefore legally privileged to utilize as I see fit & of course within the bounds of XF t&cs.

Beyond this, no one has any authority to arbitrarily impose restrictions upon or otherwise in any way seek to deny opportunities for which I may or may no freely choose to do.

Yet obviously this also applies to each & every single XF Client, who as I am, are free to act as they each see fit-within the bounds of XF t&cs.

Earlier in this thread there have been several contributors discussing two major aspects of what some of us may consider to be priorities for any conceptual hybrid-XF-social-fora-addon....these being, (1) the core XF fora remains entirely as it is, and, (2) that it would be both optional as an, (a) add-on, as well as, (b) being a distinctly separate section strictly apart from the core XF fora-perhaps similar to the XFMG, XFRM & [XCU] 'Profile Audio'/or alternatively as a different theme layout option-&/or user group permission based.

Hopefully this helps shed some light on the subject.
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Id like to revisit this thread because Im also interested in this request.

Surely its time for an upgrade to Xenforo's core infrastructure and functionality to reflect something more modern?

I'd prefer to avoid having to ditch the software completely and start over with something else, but Xenforo is looking REALLY TIRED and my members are telling me they're not engaging because its not inviting and engaging.

I really like what Skool have done with their interface.

Can we pool our money together guys and get something like this moving???

I'll move on this if a developer steps up and makes it happen.

This user had two accounts which were merged. For performance reasons we do not rebuild the like summary cache. It gets fixed after likes change on the comment. The duplicate one would be attributed to "Deleted user" in this case.
Hey guys, I just wanted to give a massive shout-out and send thanks to @JustinHawk for his help with this theme for my forum. If you're wanting to convert Xenforo into a social site and get it out of 2008, then contact him and get started! Here's how my forum now looks - hello 2024!!

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