XF 2.1 Has anyone made Xenforo look like a social site yet?


Well-known member
I'd like to have a setup that mimics the look/feel of Twitter/Facebook, so newcomers are familiar with the site and can figure it out.

I think it's possible if you skin/style the threads and give it a general timeline/newsfeed homepage, rather than a listing of forums/threads.

We already have the ability to do a quick post and tons of features for posting - it's just that the forum "look" is so outdated, that so many of the newer users are not figuring it out, or don't have the attention span to do so.

Xenforo software in general is just so damn good that I don't want to try any of the actual social scripts that already exist, and those I did try, like PhpFox, are just absolutely worthless.

It's a big task, but if anyone wants to chat about doing a custom style like this, I'd be listening for sure!
I don't see anything wrong with offering/having options. Why not have an option for different types of layouts? Facebook style. Twitter style. This way people more comfortable with those layouts are more likely to participate.
Yes TAZ has a limted membership
But it is aimed precusly at the topic we are tlaking about
Forum owners looking for solutions to boost their forums.
So it is a good data set.
Forum owners looking for solutions to boost their forums.
So it is a good data set.
No.. it's a very limited data set.
Let's see... I wonder how many people own a Toyota Tundra as compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people own a Corvette as compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people own a Mustang as compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people enjoy woodworking as compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people hunt and sport shoot as compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people write poetry compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people are involved in audio/video compared to run a forum.

Get the point yet? Those that run/admin forums are a VERY small subset of society when compared to other "fields of interest".
The problem is... many of those forum admins are chasing yesterdays "big thing"... the hue and cry of "we need to be more like social media" while said social media is dying on the vine (in the sense of the type they refer) is rather ironic.
And you don't see the users of those forums begging and screaming for it to be "more social media like" (or at least none on any of the fairly active forums I participate in)... there are people that think that the "cure-all" to the disease of little activity/membership is to mimic has-beens instead of playing to the strengths of what is current.

I go to a site that has every piece of flotsam post that they have made on their site streaming as their landing page... I'll keep on going by.

This commercial (and it's associated meme) still holds truth today.

Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 3.41.36 PM.png

Without content of any quality... where's the beef? Nobody wants table scraps.
If you just "have" to have social media like interface, you can always install Mastodon and get your very own Twitter wanna-be.
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No.. it's a very limited data set.
Let's see... I wonder how many people own a Toyota Tundra as compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people own a Corvette as compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people own a Mustang as compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people enjoy woodworking as compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people hunt and sport shoot as compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people write poetry compared to run a forum?
I wonder how many people are involved in audio/video compared to run a forum.

Get the point yet? Those that run/admin forums are a VERY small subset of society when compared to other "fields of interest".
The problem is... many of those forum admins are chasing yesterdays "big thing"... the hue and cry of "we need to be more like social media" while said social media is dying on the vine (in the sense of the type they refer) is rather ironic.
And you don't see the users of those forums begging and screaming for it to be "more social media like" (or at least none on any of the fairly active forums I participate in)... there are people that think that the "cure-all" to the disease of little activity/membership is to mimic has-beens instead of playing to the strengths of what is current.

I go to a site that has every piece of flotsam post that they have made on their site streaming as their landing page... I'll keep on going by.

This commercial (and it's associated meme) still holds truth today.

View attachment 272940

Without content of any quality... where's the beef? Nobody wants table scraps.
If you just "have" to have social media like interface, you can always install Mastodon and get your very own Twitter wanna-be.
The beef needs to be easy to find. For today's impatient people, two clicks is too much. Forget easy to "find". FINDing is too much. The beef needs to be right up front and center where you see it without having to look for it. It's just there in front of you as you scroll. And not just subject titles. That's hardly beef.
It's just there in front of you as you scroll. And not just subject titles. That's hardly beef.
Your "beef" is my bologna... that's my point. RARELY have I come across any "social media" site that makes discovery of the "beef" easy. Not even FB does that well in their groups.

It's MUCH easier to "find the beef" when you have topical areas.... when you have something that it all goes into a central container you simply have "tossed salad".
Currently there is already the ability to do what you reference.... custom widgets with a landing page utilizing that widget.
Your "beef" is my bologna... that's my point. RARELY have I come across any "social media" site that makes discovery of the "beef" easy. Not even FB does that well in their groups.

It's MUCH easier to "find the beef" when you have topical areas.... when you have something that it all goes into a central container you simply have "tossed salad".
Currently there is already the ability to do what you reference.... custom widgets with a landing page utilizing that widget.
My vision in all of this keeps the forum layout and search available exactly how it currently is - for ease of use for those of us who prefer it this way. However, it simply adds the ability to give those who want the ease of just SEEING what they need without having to look for it - what they need. So there's no sacrificing for anyone. Anyone. If the admin chooses for the layout to be like Facebook or Twitter on initial visit - and the "forum experience" to be behind a tab - so be it. "FORUMS". No big deal. Just a click. REAL easy. Vise versa as well. It makes everybody happy.

I can certainly live without it. I'm developing exactly what I need for my audience outside of XenForo. So I will have XenForo for my forum lovers, and the Facebook/Twitter layout for my, well, Facebook/Twitter lovers. When all is said and done, within a couple of months, I will have exactly what I need. I'm participating in this discussion because I think it would be nice for other admins to have this as well - even if they don't want to take the time and money to develop it like I am.
My vision in all of this keeps the forum layout and search available exactly how it currently is - for ease of use for those of us who prefer it this way. However, it simply adds the ability to give those who want the ease of just SEEING what they need without having to look for it - what they need. So there's no sacrificing for anyone. Anyone. If the admin chooses for the layout to be like Facebook or Twitter on initial visit - and the "forum experience" to be behind a tab - so be it. "FORUMS". No big deal. Just a click. REAL easy. Vise versa as well. It makes everybody happy.
Isn't this kind of what Audentio was shooting for with Feeds and AC.UI? A single pane view that the user can filter to find what they are interested in, but you can still go to the underlying forum list? I experimented with that briefly but decided it wasn't for us, esp. with the changes at Themehouse.
Isn't this kind of what Audentio was shooting for with Feeds and AC.UI? A single pane view that the user can filter to find what they are interested in, but you can still go to the underlying forum list? I experimented with that briefly but decided it wasn't for us, esp. with the changes at Themehouse.
Not sure. I remember looking at that stuff and assumed it might grow to be what I need in time.
I'd like to find somebody who can make this happen - where a visitor can land on the forum homepage and scroll through discussions in the same way that it happens on Twitter or Facebook. I'd like to have a style made so that users who prefer this experiences have that choice...

The user scrolls through, sees the topics and maybe a few of the latest responses - and can like or add a comment... I imagine QUOTED POSTS would just be direct replies beneath the post it pertains to.

Is it possible without editing code? In other words, can it be done via theme or add-on? If so, I will pursue finding somebody who can make it happen.
I see what you're trying to do there. But i also see that copying something because it looks cool in your eyes, can end up with you going to court.
Xenforo is forum software. It's not a social media platform.
It's not so much the appearance of the social network I'd like to emulate - but the functionality. I don't believe there are any patents on the way discussions are listed and interacted with.
It's not so much the appearance of the social network I'd like to emulate - but the functionality.
and add to that the "easy" distribution of the content.
What may work for one site (the never ending scrolling content page) will kill another.
That's why every site has to look at their target audience, determine how they want to collect the information and then how they want to present it.
Hey, @Sal Collaziano

That really is quite an interesting idea you have for integrating (optional) SM emulating functionalities while also entirely retaining the original forum as is.

Curious how things may be going so far with the hybrid social-fora project?

My opinion is that your reasoning seems pretty much bang on point....and oddly enough...😄 I think the reasoning presened by @TPerry is on point as well.

A few of the so-called "alt" SM platforms I ~occasionally/rarely~& very lazily use, these somehow managed to attract-& still maintain literally hundreds of 'members'/'followers'/etc...and all I've ever done is upload a couple of non-YT friendly vids once in a while-&/or posted opinions which would definitely get me permabant from this—& probably—most other common oldskool-fora.
Every video I upload @BC almost immediately attracts new 'followers'/'members'/etc.

The whole thing is cartoonishly bloody absurd...(at least that is my current opinion of it🤣)...however apparently mofos love that feral sheet....

...and yet it appears the vast majority of these oldskool-("alt")-SM natives, and as you've also mentioned too, they simply seem as if largely lacking requisite capacities for the most basic degrees of meaningful engagement & interaction within oldskool-XF-fora environments.

For example, every—single person I know irl who is hardcore into FB....🤭 they are all individuals well known as strongly presenting those lovely clusty-b personality traits the professional psych hippies generally define in their DSM⁵ as being "Narcissisic".

Because of that though, this is why I would agree with @TPerry, as these...🤔 let's say - "lower potential"-individuals, are unlikely to reciprocate any actual value as members of an oldskool meat 'n' vege community discussion fora....plus...😏 they'd more likely cause far more detriment than anything.

So with that & everything else relevant in mind, I think this also presents a potential opportunity.
In fact it's exactly as you have been highlighting & describing, @Sal Collaziano.

The hybrid-social-fora would maintain a distinctive-(& optionally transitioned)-separation between the [fundamental core Xenforo community discussion fora entirely] </&/> [it's integrated SM-esque features & functions]

Could work well too. Especially with the integrated SM-esque feeds being contained within their own completely separate "mystery-mix" category and not just piling up in the core fora categories.

😂I dunno. Anyways it's 02:00hrs here right now, so I'mma hit the hay.
Hey, @Sal Collaziano

That really is quite an interesting idea you have for integrating (optional) SM emulating functionalities while also entirely retaining the original forum as is.

Curious how things may be going so far with the hybrid social-fora project?

My opinion is that your reasoning seems pretty much bang on point....and oddly enough...😄 I think the reasoning presened by @TPerry is on point as well.

A few of the so-called "alt" SM platforms I ~occasionally/rarely~& very lazily use, these somehow managed to attract-& still maintain literally hundreds of 'members'/'followers'/etc...and all I've ever done is upload a couple of non-YT friendly vids once in a while-&/or posted opinions which would definitely get me permabant from this—& probably—most other common oldskool-fora.
Every video I upload @BC almost immediately attracts new 'followers'/'members'/etc.

The whole thing is cartoonishly bloody absurd...(at least that is my current opinion of it🤣)...however apparently mofos love that feral sheet....

...and yet it appears the vast majority of these oldskool-("alt")-SM natives, and as you've also mentioned too, they simply seem as if largely lacking requisite capacities for the most basic degrees of meaningful engagement & interaction within oldskool-XF-fora environments.

For example, every—single person I know irl who is hardcore into FB....🤭 they are all individuals well known as strongly presenting those lovely clusty-b personality traits the professional psych hippies generally define in their DSM⁵ as being "Narcissisic".

Because of that though, this is why I would agree with @TPerry, as these...🤔 let's say - "lower potential"-individuals, are unlikely to reciprocate any actual value as members of an oldskool meat 'n' vege community discussion fora....plus...😏 they'd more likely cause far more detriment than anything.

So with that & everything else relevant in mind, I think this also presents a potential opportunity.
In fact it's exactly as you have been highlighting & describing, @Sal Collaziano.

The hybrid-social-fora would maintain a distinctive-(& optionally transitioned)-separation between the [fundamental core Xenforo community discussion fora entirely] </&/> [it's integrated SM-esque features & functions]

Could work well too. Especially with the integrated SM-esque feeds being contained within their own completely separate "mystery-mix" category and not just piling up in the core fora categories.

😂I dunno. Anyways it's 02:00hrs here right now, so I'mma hit the hay.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.

What I am suggesting is the best of both worlds for everyone - the admin and the users. If the admin WANTS to OFFER the new social media layout to the USERS who WANT it, great. If not, that's also an option.

It can simply be an optional feature or add-on.

As forums have slowed over the years, as people have been using new social media instead of search engines, I've been funneling traffic through those new social media networks.

That being said, those people now prefer the layout of new social media - so why not give it to them?

I get it. It won't be happening because only me and some guy named Penelope in Skonkondini, Nebraska wants this. So as mentioned, I'm building my own thing (or having it built). That project has morphed into something much larger and is now just about ready to be beta tested.
A forum is not a social media platform.
Social media has no rules and therefor you can be stalked by everyone and abused (just look at the way how reactions are being used here)
Forums have rules that are supposed to get rid of trolls that always complain about forum software.
As this forum is a business one you don't want trolls ruining everything.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Much appreciated Sal, and same to you too.

What I am suggesting is the best of both worlds for everyone - the admin and the users. If the admin WANTS to OFFER the new social media layout to the USERS who WANT it, great. If not, that's also an option.

It can simply be an optional feature or add-on.
See now, I really do find this to be entirely reasonable.

😄 Frankly I'm not seeing any issue whatsoever, beyond the necessary work-as with all good things-that would of course be required in order to achieve this.

As you've pointed out, it would be optional, therefore those who may be interested can freely choose to utilize the additional tools an add-on such as you've described could potentially enable/—/while those who may not be interested in this, they can simply choose to ignore it altogether and continue on as they freely choose.

So imo the potential benefits of having your optional add-on idea made a reality and available, outweigh any potential detriments—of which seem essentially negligible.

As forums have slowed over the years, as people have been using new social media instead of search engines, I've been funneling traffic through those new social media networks.

That being said, those people now prefer the layout of new social media - so why not give it to them?
Yeah I absolutely agree.

Actually have tried doing this myself too, using, among others, my Farcebook account several months ago.

I was able to encourage a number of individuals whom I'm acquainted with irl to join our community fora...😂 however it basically seems they found themselves completely lost in the highly structured oldskool-XF-fora environment. Almost like it's an alien environment and utterly confusing for them.
🤣None have ever engaged with the fora community at all. At best, they occasionally pop in for a few minutes before gappin'.

And it got me thinking, why is that the case(?)

So I did a bit of research. Frankly it didn't take long to reach a conclusion-which is related to my prior post's mention of "narcissistic" traits.
From what I can tell, many FB, et al, users/addicts motivators, intentions & resulting expectations are primarily that of self-aggrandizement & immediate gratification via perceived social-validation.
Or in other words, they aren't actually concerned with socially engaging and interacting in any meaningful ways.
They simply seek continuous ego stoking and to be hand fed flashy distractions.

This is partly why I reckon your idea is not only quite reasonable, it is also likely one of the only possible ways to attract individuals who are now ever-increasingly accustomed to fast food junk SM and already just too bloody lazy & impatient to put any real effort into online social discourse.

I'll quickly add that one of the forums I'm co-admin at, the owner has loosely set it up with only 1 single forum and a constant stream of threads.
😄 He's opted for this approach because he can't be bothered really, and I mean it is basic af, yet also has an elegance to it's simplicity.
It is proving to be quite effective too and has become an uncommonly populous + active community, also considering that it isn't a "niche" fora either.
However the biggest issue I see with his simplistic/lazy approach, is that this sacrifices the core fora and frankly I think it is wasteful in general.

So as you have highlighted, I don't see why we should not have the best of both worlds optionally available—and without having to discard one for the other.

I get it. It won't be happening because only me and some guy named Penelope in Skonkondini, Nebraska wants this. So as mentioned, I'm building my own thing (or having it built). That project has morphed into something much larger and is now just about ready to be beta tested.
😎Well, you can certainly include me as being interested and if the opportunity were presented, I would very likely be keen to provide assistance in whichever ways I may be able.

Regardless I'd love to see how your hybrid-social-fora is progressing, though I can appreciate prioritizing discretion & would respect your wishes for keeping the project's development private.

Anyways, I'll conclude here...

...🙂👍cheers @Sal Collaziano
Much appreciated Sal, and same to you too.

See now, I really do find this to be entirely reasonable.

😄 Frankly I'm not seeing any issue whatsoever, beyond the necessary work-as with all good things-that would of course be required in order to achieve this.

As you've pointed out, it would be optional, therefore those who may be interested can freely choose to utilize the additional tools an add-on such as you've described could potentially enable/—/while those who may not be interested in this, they can simply choose to ignore it altogether and continue on as they freely choose.

So imo the potential benefits of having your optional add-on idea made a reality and available, outweigh any potential detriments—of which seem essentially negligible.

Yeah I absolutely agree.

Actually have tried doing this myself too, using, among others, my Farcebook account several months ago.

I was able to encourage a number of individuals whom I'm acquainted with irl to join our community fora...😂 however it basically seems they found themselves completely lost in the highly structured oldskool-XF-fora environment. Almost like it's an alien environment and utterly confusing for them.
🤣None have ever engaged with the fora community at all. At best, they occasionally pop in for a few minutes before gappin'.

And it got me thinking, why is that the case(?)

So I did a bit of research. Frankly it didn't take long to reach a conclusion-which is related to my prior post's mention of "narcissistic" traits.
From what I can tell, many FB, et al, users/addicts motivators, intentions & resulting expectations are primarily that of self-aggrandizement & immediate gratification via perceived social-validation.
Or in other words, they aren't actually concerned with socially engaging and interacting in any meaningful ways.
They simply seek continuous ego stoking and to be hand fed flashy distractions.

This is partly why I reckon your idea is not only quite reasonable, it is also likely one of the only possible ways to attract individuals who are now ever-increasingly accustomed to fast food junk SM and already just too bloody lazy & impatient to put any real effort into online social discourse.

I'll quickly add that one of the forums I'm co-admin at, the owner has loosely set it up with only 1 single forum and a constant stream of threads.
😄 He's opted for this approach because he can't be bothered really, and I mean it is basic af, yet also has an elegance to it's simplicity.
It is proving to be quite effective too and has become an uncommonly populous + active community, also considering that it isn't a "niche" fora either.
However the biggest issue I see with his simplistic/lazy approach, is that this sacrifices the core fora and frankly I think it is wasteful in general.

So as you have highlighted, I don't see why we should not have the best of both worlds optionally available—and without having to discard one for the other.

😎Well, you can certainly include me as being interested and if the opportunity were presented, I would very likely be keen to provide assistance in whichever ways I may be able.

Regardless I'd love to see how your hybrid-social-fora is progressing, though I can appreciate prioritizing discretion & would respect your wishes for keeping the project's development private.

Anyways, I'll conclude here...

...🙂👍cheers @Sal Collaziano
Thank you, again, for the kind words. There are some people who actually seem offended by the idea. I find that difficult to understand. Especially considering everyone who preferred the standard old layout and functionality would see exactly that - even while other people saw the new social media layout and functionality...

I would like to mention that what I am working on isn't something I'll be selling, so it won't in any way be competing with forum software. It's just something that I found the need for since it doesn't presently exist in the way that I need it. I will be similar to things already in existence, with a major twist...
Thank you, again, for the kind words. There are some people who actually seem offended by the idea. I find that difficult to understand. Especially considering everyone who preferred the standard old layout and functionality would see exactly that - even while other people saw the new social media layout and functionality...
😄Yeah I also often notice the oddly reactive resistance to fresh ideas as well aye mate. I think it is very strange—& wholly irrational too.

I would like to mention that what I am working on isn't something I'll be selling, so it won't in any way be competing with forum software. It's just something that I found the need for since it doesn't presently exist in the way that I need it. I will be similar to things already in existence, with a major twist...
All good mate, I think I can understand where you're coming from.

I wish you all the best Sal, and I'm not going to be surprised if your project turns out to be highly effective—as intended.

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