Happy Xmas Everyone


Well-known member
While we're on the very eve of Christmas Day now. Just wanted to say happy Xmas everyone tomorrow and hope you have a good one. Me, I might find myself a Grandad of two more babies tomorrow yet. Daughters due for dropping and hospital wanted to start her off yesterday but there's no spare beds. If she's not had the twins come Jan 1st, she has to go in and be started off.

There could be an unexpected surprise tomorrow as a result? :eek:
Aw - tell her about what the French Queens did - I learned this from history and I did it with mine when stuck with an enormous baby refused to come - and it worked!

You WALK her - it takes a bit of courage and effort but better than induction drugs which make a sharp labour.
She needs at least one supporter to help her walk and she has to keep going on and on with determination until she really really can't walk any more. (The Queens had a maid on each side, supporting under each arm.)
It's the movement of the legs that does it. Supporter/s talk encouragingly, provide drinks but do NOT stop the walking.
When she cannot walk more she will sleep deeply and not long after she wakes up she'll get going.

I was well over 2 weeks overdue with HUGE baby and idiot midwives refused to induce - fashion for nature methods. I was going insane.
At midnight I lost my temper utterly. My dear husband helped me out of the house and WALKED me. On and on - he says I walked miles with great determination. Round the block and every time we passed our door I said "More!" so we went on.
When my legs shook so much I could not continue I went in, drank a lot of water and slept.
That afternoon my son finally got going.

IMPORTANT Do not do this until Sunday night/ Monday so you get weekday hospital provision.
She lives with her boyfriend, she has her own house. She's been dropped in position to have them both since last week and had her scan the other day, the nurses wanted to keep her in and induce them that day. But they said there's no beds until 1st Jan to take her in, so it's either she'll have the twins before, or come the 1st Jan in hospital. But she looks more than ready for having them anytime now.

Anyway, enough about that now, I don't want to make it a focal point of this thread. Just wanted to say Happy Xmas and just thought I'd bring that little bit of personal news up.
Merry Christmas
1. Please accept with no obligation or warranty, implied or otherwise, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.
2. May you have a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2012, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures, and due regard to the race, creed, color , age, physical ability, religious faith, choice of computer platform, or sexual orientation of the recipient.
3. By accepting this greeting, you are accepting the following terms and conditions: a) This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal.
b) This greeting is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting, any alteration to the intended or implied greetings may render the greeting inoperable. c) This greeting implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others, and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. d) This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.
Nadolig Llawen
Merry Christmas dear Fuhrmann.
Merry Christmas the magical Jake Bunce.
Merry Christmas kind Dodgeboard and James.
Merry Christmas our hero Brogan.
Merry Christmas the great Floris and Digital Doctor.
Merry Christmas clever Waindigo.
Merry Christmas to the solid sense of Anthony.
Merry Christmas to Kier, Mike, Ashley and all who make XF the mighty dragon it is!

Merry Yule to anyone who does not celebrate Christmas.
Yule is the ancient festival of Midwinter (northern hemisphere). It calls us to gather with those we love best, and eat together. To give gifts to each other, in order to strengthen our bonds of family, clan, community - as a sign that we promise to help each other survive and flourish in the coming year.
This can be celebrated by any faith, or none. It's about material survival, eating, bodies, solidity, security. So commercial and material matters have their place in it as we display our prosperity which will mean our survival.

Southern hemisphere people adjust it to the local conditions and various cultural festivals cluster around this date. Everywhere the sun is on its point of shift from weakening to strengthening. So this is an EVERYONE festival.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year everyone… I hope you find health, happiness and peace during this holiday season and through out the coming year!
Nadolig Llawen
Merry Christmas dear Fuhrmann.
Merry Christmas the magical Jake Dunce.
Merry Christmas kind Dodgeboard and James.
Merry Christmas our hero Brogan.
Merry Christmas the great Floris and Digital Doctor.
Merry Christmas clever Waindigo.
Merry Christmas to the solid sense of Anthony.
Merry Christmas to Kier, Mike, Ashley and all who make XF the mighty dragon it is!

Merry Yule to anyone who does not celebrate Christmas.
Yule is the ancient festival of Midwinter (northern hemisphere). It calls us to gather with those we love best, and eat together. To give gifts to each other, in order to strengthen our bonds of family, clan, community - as a sign that we promise to help each other survive and flourish in the coming year.
This can be celebrated by any faith, or none. It's about material survival, eating, bodies, solidity, security. So commercial and material matters have their place in it as we display our prosperity which will mean our survival.

Southern hemisphere people adjust it to the local conditions and various cultural festivals cluster around this date. Everywhere the sun is on its point of shift from weakening to strengthening. So this is an EVERYONE festival.

Merry Christmas to you too, and to the rest of my Xenforo family...wish you all the best Christmas ever!

This Christmas our members raised money to help feed the less fortunate and provide gifts for children and those in need. Read all about it here, if you are interested.
Merry Christmas, one and all!!

It's 4:37 am here and I just finished wrapping presents. Several hours ago, when I started, this seemed like an easy enough proposition. However, I quickly realized that I did not have enough wrapping paper to cover the presents...hilarity ensued while I spent a lot of time measuring and re-measuring paper, looked high and low in the house for more paper, gave up on that idea and went to plan B, looking high and low for boxes, bags, and in the case of my son's rather large Lego box I resorted to draping with a Christmas themed table cloth. None of the wrapping looks pretty, but, I feel I got the job done! Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday spent with friends and family.
It's 10 in the morning my males are asleep having left me around 4.
All is wrapped - unlike jadmperry there is plenty of paper and plenty of Cats to Help Too!
But I kept breaking off to struggle with css and the presents got wilder and more creatively messy bundles as the night progressed. Still I don't like designer presents. Messy bundles do me fine.

Thank heavens nowadays we're not being woken up by an urgent young person - more likely to be trying to heave out the massive young man at 3pm. As noted earlier in the thread he was huge 20 years ago when he kept refusing to arrive, and still is huge and lazy.

I'm off to get a few hours kip.
Thank goodness for our sensible family tradition started around 10 yrs ago. We do presents today with a light meal and the full feasting tomorrow. Otherwise it's just too much to enjoy in one day.

Zzzzzzz .... till tomorrow.
Nadolig Llawen
Merry Christmas dear Fuhrmann.
Merry Christmas the magical Jake Bunce.
Merry Christmas kind Dodgeboard and James.
Merry Christmas our hero Brogan.
Merry Christmas the great Floris and Digital Doctor.
Merry Christmas clever Waindigo.
Merry Christmas to the solid sense of Anthony.
Merry Christmas to Kier, Mike, Ashley and all who make XF the mighty dragon it is!

Merry Yule to anyone who does not celebrate Christmas.
Yule is the ancient festival of Midwinter (northern hemisphere). It calls us to gather with those we love best, and eat together. To give gifts to each other, in order to strengthen our bonds of family, clan, community - as a sign that we promise to help each other survive and flourish in the coming year.
This can be celebrated by any faith, or none. It's about material survival, eating, bodies, solidity, security. So commercial and material matters have their place in it as we display our prosperity which will mean our survival.

Southern hemisphere people adjust it to the local conditions and various cultural festivals cluster around this date. Everywhere the sun is on its point of shift from weakening to strengthening. So this is an EVERYONE festival.
Thank you - Merry Christmas, and a healthy 2012.
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