XF 2.0 Guests viewing errors

Only through the database.

Nothing to diagnose though it just happens. If it's an unknown page then they're likely viewing some totally random erroneous URL. The primary reason for doing this though is you could sometimes see:

Viewing <highly confidential super secret thread>"

Before we added the "Viewing an error" thing quite late on in XF 1.x, we had a few customers totally freak out when seeing that, understandably. It usually meant that they had arrived on that page randomly, perhaps by trying a random thread ID or something like the thread used to be public, but now it has been moved somewhere private. But without the "!" it's certainly very difficult to know that at a glance that actually nothing is wrong.
Yes, I can understand this occacionally, but after the upgrade I'm seeing a realtively high percentage.


Including a member viewing a forum. They had earlier posted a thread which I moved, so I'm worried that maybe they followed a loink in a notification that did not redirect correctly after I moved the thread
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