XF 1.4 Got this error during vbulletin import regarding the import of polls


Active member
This was on a fresh clean destination DB. Not sure how this would happen in that case.

Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
I sent you the info in a PM/convo. We are doing this on a server that uses a remote db server on the cloud for the first time. I'm wondering if this might have something to do with it. Back when I did the import with everything on a discrete, non cloud based system the import ran fine. Tell me more about race conditions that might happen.
I don't see any obvious reasons for it to happen; the only situation I see where it could happen is if the same step ran multiple times which generally shouldn't happen.

Please try emptying the xf_poll table and try to continue the import.
Too late for this go around to try a continue as we had to skip the step and move on. Will try your suggestion if we run into this the next time we make the attempt.
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