GoPro Chat Forum


Well-known member
I have just opened up my new GoPro Chat Forum So give it the once over and let me know how you feel about it.

The idea is to have a friendly forum where all owners of a GoPro Camera can come together to share their experiences on using the camera. We also provide a number of Tips & Tricks, Reviews and just general GoPro discussion items.

For the first time I have selected a dark style as my default style but do have two other light styles that members can select. I used the black style as GoPro is associated with black in their model range.

We do have a monthly contest for the best video of that month and hope in the future that we will be able to secure a few prizes to give away to our winners.

As we all know creating a forum is the easy part but getting it going not so much, so if anyone feels they would like to join me in this venture as a staff members please let me know.

So here is the link
Well my forum seems to be moving up on a Google search appearing 5th on the first page when searching GoPro Forum :D

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