Is there a way to show 50% of visitors one site layout and 50% of visitors another layout to see which is better for bounce rate, ad clicks, registrations... etc?
There's an experiments option in Analytics... not sure how I'd set it up though.
Of course it could - visitor A gets to see this layout... visitor B gets to see this layout... and so on. There's definitely a WAY to do it - whether anyone has figured out how to make XenForo do it is another question.
What you want is A/B testing or bucket testing. XF doesn't offer anything like this out of the box, but it wouldn't be too terribly difficult to add. There's also quite a few tools, some open source, that help with this.
What you want is A/B testing or bucket testing. XF doesn't offer anything like this out of the box, but it wouldn't be too terribly difficult to add. There's also quite a few tools, some open source, that help with this.