Go to last post for guests?


When logged into the forum, it's easy to get to the last post in a thread by just clicking the time stamp in the discussion list, but when not logged in, the time stamp is not a link. I find this behavior very odd, is there some way to change this?

I assume it's this code in the report_list_item template that makes it happen (or rather not happen):

<div class="listBlock lastPost">
        <dl class="lastPostInfo">
            <dt><xen:username user="$report.lastModifiedInfo" /></dt>
            <dd class="muted"><a href="{xen:link reports, $report}" class="dateTime"><xen:datetime time="$report.lastModifiedInfo.date" /></a></dd>
Found how to change this so guests can do this too. I edited the thread_list_item template, and replaced this:

<dd class="muted"><a{xen:if '{$visitor.user_id}', ' href="{xen:link posts, $thread.lastPostInfo}" title="{xen:phrase go_to_last_message}"'} class="dateTime"><xen:datetime time="$thread.lastPostInfo.post_date" /></a></dd>

with this:

<dd class="muted"><a href="{xen:link posts, $thread.lastPostInfo}" title="{xen:phrase go_to_last_message}"'} class="dateTime"><xen:datetime time="$thread.lastPostInfo.post_date" /></a></dd>
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