Well-known member
So I've got this in my file:
Here is the full file:
But when viewing the online list, I am still seeing
public static function getActivityDetails(array $activities)
return \XF::phrase('XP_VB_verified_viewing_list');
Here is the full file:
namespace XP\VB\Pub\Controller;
use XF\Pub\Controller\AbstractController;
class verified extends AbstractController
//public function actionIndex(ParameterBag $params)
public function actionIndex()
// Get variables
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
$options = \XF::options();
// Show error if no permission
if (!$visitor->hasPermission('view', 'XP_VB_List'))
return $this->noPermission();
$finder = \XF::finder('XF:User')->where('xp_vb_is_verified', '=',1);
$total = $finder->total();
$page = $this->filterPage();
$perPage = $options->XPVBmembersPerPage;
$this->assertValidPage($page, $perPage, $total, 'verified', $finder);
$verified = $finder->limitByPage($page, $perPage)->order('user_id', 'ASC')->fetch();
$viewParams = [
'verified' => $verified,
'page' => $page,
'perPage' => $perPage,
'total' => $total
// Okay send it to the template
return $this->view('XP\VB:Verified', 'xp_vb_list', $viewParams);
// Show the location when viewing who's oline
public static function getActivityDetails(array $activities)
return \XF::phrase('XP_VB_verified_viewing_list');
But when viewing the online list, I am still seeing
Viewing unknown page
when members are on that page.