Fixed Gallery Statistics - all zero


Well-known member
I have activated the Gallery Statistics and it shows all values as 0. I have tried to rebuild counts but it continues giving zero. How can I solve this?

Nice addon! it's really great for my community.
2 hours ago. Content was added with statistics blocks disabled.

Update View Counters Next Run: 2 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 15:30
Update XenForo Media Gallery View Counters Next Run: 2 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 15:30
Update XenForo Media Gallery Statistics Next Run: 2 de Diciembre de 2014 a las 15:30

I have just run these cron entries but it's still all zero.
I've just spotted a bug here. Seems as though there was a typo.

If you're comfortable editing a PHP file, then the fix is to find the file; library/XenGallery/CronEntry/Statistics.php

if (empty($options->xengalleryShowStatisticsBlock['enable']))

if (empty($options->xengalleryShowStatisticsBlock['enabled']))

(change the word enable to enabled)

[Edit: Package updated with fix as over 14:48 GMT.]
The bug as described here is definitely fixed, so you have some other issue that would be more suited to a new thread in the Support forum.

Some things to try first:

Are the cron entries running? There's a specific cron related to rebuilding Xen Media Gallery statistics. What if you run it manually?
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